A Vowel Avowal: Why Were the Ancients Obsessed with the Vowels?
In antiquity the shapes of letters were considered significant. Today we barely think on it and thus miss a significant amount of actual...
The Engimatic Early Christian Books of Jeu of the "Living Jesus" and the Mysteries He Taug
So, the question is, seriously, no... I mean it.... the question is, just what are the mysteries and why does it matter? Because, lets...
An Oratio on Ratio
So, here's an idea that I ran across several years ago and it's been percolating in my cranium long enough. It's time to give this the...
Joseph Smith Said He Did, in Fact, Possess Abraham's Literal Autograph and the Papyri Were Writt
A brief note first is in order. I am in the process (a long slow one to be sure) of writing a book about why I don't see the Book of...
The Key to the Ancient Gods: Logos/Geometry
I have discovered, for myself, as I am more than sure others have already thought of this and discovered it for themselves, is that, one...
On The Pythagorean-Kabbalistic YHWH
The Kabbalistic artistic rendering of YHWH is an important key to grasping some of the significance of the name, among many other things...